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Lepidolite Hearts 2-3”

Lepidolite Hearts 2-3”

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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Lepidolite is a stunning crystal that will awaken your spirit and spark transformation in your life. It encourages us to surrender our negative habits, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve us, while inspiring us to create healing and peace within. Lepidolite is a powerful tool for spiritual healing and rejuvenation.

Apart from its beautiful lavender hues, Lepidolite is known to promote feelings of security, trust and hope, while providing emotional balance and stability. Its energy carries the healing power of the Universe and creates a protective energy shield around its environment. This crystal helps to soothe emotional pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and brings deeper awareness of our purpose on earth. It works as a natural antidepressant, and can help to break addictive and negative behavior.
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