Protection spells are perfect for the beginner occult practitioner and should be used before any spell work, divination, or energy work. Protection spells are used to banish negative energy, remove yourself from unpleasant people, and cleanse and protect your energy and space.
Do you sometimes feel unsafe or uneasy in your environment? If you answered yes then you need to build up your sense of protection. If you are looking to build up your sense of security, safety, and protection, then these rituals are perfect for you.
What is a Protection Spell?
Protection spells can be used whenever you need it. There are no rules as when to use it, but it comes in handy when feeling vulnerable or uncomfortable. Feeling safe and having a strong sense of security is an important part of life, and a protection spell works as your personal defense!
Do you feel uncomfortable in your home or at work? Do you find yourself getting sick often, having nightmares, or even feeling like you have bad luck? This is due to negative energy and is easy to clear once you become aware of it!
Protection spells are used most commonly before and after spell work, when someone gets a new home or job, for protection over family/friends, and to clear negative energy. Protection spells can be done in many ways, such as through prayer, with crystals, candles, symbols, elements such as salt, and even through just thought alone.
When to use Protection Spells
Prayer is one of the first forms of protection I learned as a child, and one I often find myself going back to on a daily basis because it works, is powerful and immediate. When I was young, my mother would tell me to pray whenever I felt afraid or had a bad dream and it always worked to calm me.
Prayer works by connecting you with a higher and stronger force. This force can be the universe, God, any deity, your higher self, etc. This connection is an exchange of energy which is passed upon you to use to cover yourself with security.
Many religious groups recognize and understand the power of prayer and call upon it often. We all have the ability to do the same.
A powerful prayer does not have to be long to be powerful. The power is created with your intention. Prayers of protection can be as detailed as you like or something simple such as:
(Insert Higher Force) I call on you and ask for the cover of protection, thank you for the safety that surrounds (me, family/friends, home, etc.).
Candle Magic Protection
Candles are great to use for protection because it’s easy to acquire and most people have a candle sitting somewhere in their homes. Candles are also a very flexible tool and can be altered or charged to meet your personal needs.
Take any candle, from a tea candle to a birthday candle and all in between and set your intention of protection (for yourself, family, friends, home, etc.), while holding the candle. Light the candle. As it burns, imagine the flame burning away all negativity as the wax melts.
The color of the candle can also add power as each color symbolizes and aids in the energy of the candle.
White Candle = healing, peace, purifying
Pink Candle = friendship, feminine, love
Green Candle = child, earth, success
Blue Candle = trust, protection, calmness
Red Candle = action, strength, energy
Yellow Candle = focus, comfort, positivity
Purple Candle = wisdom, power, influence
Black Candle = protection, banishing, absorbs negativity

Protection Circle Casting
A circle is a contained protected space which can be used to hold power in. Many practitioners cast circles to create a sacred space to do spell work. This can be done by placing symbolic objects to form a circle, using nature like rocks/stones/ branches/flowers, drawing out a circle, or using string or rope.
Once your circle is created, it is important to bless and protect the circle. This can be done in many ways. A common way is to call out the four cardinal directions and the elements each holds into your space to bless the area.
North = Earth
East = Air
West = Water
South = Fire
Facing the north, say, “energies of the North, I call on you Mother Earth as I cast this circle, I ask that it be filled with love and protection”. Facing the east, say, “energies of the East, I call on you brother wind as I cast this circle, I ask that it be filled with ease and protection”. Facing the south, say, “energies of the South, I call on you Father Fire as I cast this circle, I ask that it be filled with passion and protection”. Facing the west, say, “energies of the West, I call on you Grandmother Water as I cast this circle, I ask that it be filled with wisdom and protection”.
After casting a circle and completing the work, it is important to thank the energies and set them free.
Energies of the North, I thank you Mother Earth for love and protection. Energies of the East, I thank you brother wind for ease and protection. Energies of the South, I thank you Father Fire for the passion and protection. Energies of the West, I thank you Grandmother Water for wisdom and protection.
Crystals are powerful energy conductors which makes them a great aid for protection. You can wear crystals, charge your drinking water with them, keep them around the house for protection and even use them as a part of spellwork.
Each crystal has its own unique properties which gives its power. It is important to know and understand the crystals you work with and set intentions for each one. Some of my favorites include:
Clear Quartz = creates a shield to block negative energy and invites positive energy
Selenite = protects home from negative energies and attracts harmony
Amethyst = creates strong boundaries for whatever your intentions are to keep away, it also promotes calmness
Rose Quartz = surrounds space in love and encourages a peaceful environment
Black Tourmaline = absorbs ALL negativity and has the power to keep it away
Tigers Eye = protects one from any outside sources wishing negativity or curses upon you
2 Easy Protection Spells
These two protection spells are easy but powerful and contain ingredients that most people already have in their homes.
- New Home Protection Jar
This spell is perfect for someone who has moved into a new home or business. It can be kept inside the home or business or buried.
- Salt
- Cinnamon
- Flower petals
- Water
- Paper with written desires of protection
Place everything in a glass jar and shake the jar in each of the four corners of the space, while repeating “I bless and protect this space and everything and anyone who enters.” Once complete you can bury the jar in the yard or place it in a space within the home or business.
- Protection Power Pouch
This spell is perfect for someone who has the desire to protect themselves, family or friends, as this protection pouch can be carried or the spell caster can wear it.
- Pouch
- Bay Leaf
- Cinnamon
- Clear Quartz
- Paper with written desires of protection
Place everything in a pouch and tie to the inside of your bag, your child’s book bag, or given to a friend to keep in their pocket while out.
Do you feel safe? If you ever find the answer is no, remember you have to power to and ability to protect yourself in so many ways. From prayer to spells and everything in-between, the power lies with you.