Do you need to manifest a miracle into your life? Is there something in your life that just feels unattainable or impossible and out of your reach? When our minds become littered with thoughts of the impossible it can cause us to lack confidence and faith in what we desire. This in turn causes us to not manifest the experiences we want in our lives.
If you believe something is impossible for you…then it will be, but if you believe that it is possible, then it has no choice but to be!
The purpose of the ‘Manifest A Miracle’ spell I created is to give you back the power and confidence you need to truly believe that all that you desire is possible and attainable.
Before I get into the actual method of performing this miraculous spell, I want to take you back to a time when I desperately needed a miracle in my life.
My Miracle
A few years ago, my fiancé found himself in some trouble with the law. He was on a path that could have potentially ended with his incarceration for upwards of six months. I felt hopeless. I felt as if our options were limited and there was absolutely nothing that we could do to change the trajectory of what was eventually coming. My fiancé came to me and asked if we could do a spell together. In my mind I felt as if there was no spell, no amount of magick that could change what was coming, but I agreed.
We went to our local metaphysical store together. As I was looking at the candles, I stumbled across a candle labeled, ‘Manifest a Miracle’. Instantly I knew this was the candle we needed.
When we returned home, we performed the spell together. Immediately after completing the spell, I felt a complete sense of peace. It was as if all my fear had vanished. It was at that moment that I knew everything was going to be fine. I knew we would overcome this obstacle and that a miracle was in the making.
The following week, my fiancé found himself in court, prepared for the outcome of his legal infraction. The bailiff stood up and called his name from the docket. He stood, prepared to meet whatever fate came his way. The police officer who had arrested him, also stood up and asked if he could approach the bench. The judge waved him closer. The police officer shared that my fiancé had been very respectful. That he been cooperative and had been apologetic during the interaction they shared with each other. With this new information, the judge removed the six-month sentence off the table. In the end, my fiancé was sentenced to community service. Truly, a miracle had just taken place.
The ‘Manifest A Miracle’ candle had come through for us! It had not only helped with bringing forth all that transpired, but it had helped us remove any negative thoughts or feelings about the court date. We had complete faith that it was going to work out….and it did.
Manifest it!
The ‘Manifest A Miracle’ candle that I purchased at my local metaphysical store has been my go-to spell candle ever since. I use it when I feel like something is outside of my control or beyond my reach. It has never failed me!
Over the last few years, I have grown in my knowledge of the magickal properties of herbs, crystals, and other witchy tools, so I decided to create my own ‘Manifest a Miracle’ spell using some of my favorite herbs and tools that specialize in bringing forth all that which feels impossible.
Today I’m going to share this powerful spell with you!
‘Manifest a Miracle’ Spell Tools/Ingredients
1. One white candle
White is an amazing color candle to use when performing spells. It reflects every other color. I personally decided on a white candle because every manifestation that one desires is slightly different. Are you trying to manifest a certain outcome to occur? Are you trying to manifest the healing of a loved one? Whatever it is you desire, a white candle is perfect for any and all manifestations.

2. The following herbs:
Rose Petals – The key ingredient in magick is love. Roses are a great correspondence to love. I incorporate these lovely flowers to bring in the energies of love within this special spell. Sometimes when our desires appear impossible, we may lack the faith in our spirituality as well as in the power of magick. Allow the Rose Petals to replenish you with the love that you need to bring forth the impossible.

Dandelion Seeds – These fluffy white balls of seeds have been associated with wishes for a long time! As a kid, I would go around my front yard blowing the seeds off the stems of these flowers in hopes that my deepest and greatest wishes would manifest in my life. I incorporate these Dandelion “wish” Seeds because when things begin to feel impossible or unattainable in life there is nothing more we desire than for a wish to come true!

Mustard Seeds – Another key ingredient in magick is faith. Mustard Seeds radiate the energy of faith. In the bible, there is a parable where Jesus says to his disciples that if they had the faith of a Mustard Seed, that they could move a mountain, and that nothing would be impossible for them. When you perform spells, or speak prayers, faith is key essential ingredient. When we desire something that feels impossible, we gradually begin to lose faith. The purpose of the Mustard Seeds in this spell is to flow the energy and power of faith back within you, so that nothing becomes impossible for you!

3. Chamomile Oil
Chamomile flowers are amazing at bringing abundance and luck into one’s life. This is an amazing ingredient to have in a spell that calls for a miracle. You will dress the candle in the Chamomile oil, and then place the herbs onto the candle so that they adhere it to.

4. Clear Quartz Crystal
This crystal is connected to our Crown Chakra which is located on the top of our head. The Crown Chakra is associated with how we connect to our spirituality and the Divine. When our Crown Chakra is aligned perfectly within us, our faith is strong, and our love is boundless. The Clear Quartz will help align your Crown Chakra back into harmony so that all that your desire becomes possible in your eyes.

5. A paper and a pen
This will be used to write down the miracle you need in your life. After the spell is complete, you will place the paper into a pouch/bag until your miracle is answered.

6. A pouch/bag
Once the spell is completed you will add the paper, crystal, and any remnants of the candle in the pouch until the miracle occurs. The pouch will keep all the magick and energy of the spell together.

Manifest A Miracle Spell
Step one: Gather all the magical ingredients/tools into the area where the spell will take place. Cleanse the space/ingredients/tools of any unwanted energies that may be around. If you are unsure of how to cleanse before spell work or just need extra inspiration, check out my blog ‘5 Ways to Cleanse a Space Before a Spell or Ritual’.
Step two: Dress the candle in the Chamomile oil. As you are dressing the candle repeat the following:
“Chamomile, thank you for bringing so much abundance and love into my life.”
Step three: onto the candle allowing the Chamomile Oil to adhere the herbs to the candle.
First, place the Rose Petals and repeat the following:
“Rose Petals, surround me in the energy of love, as love brings forth the most beautiful miracles.”
Then, place the Dandelion Seeds around the white candle, and repeat the following:
“Dandelion Seeds, you carry within your very essence the impossible. Allow what seems impossible to be mine.”
Lastly, place the Mustard Seeds and repeat the following:
“Mustard seeds, you are a reminder of the power of faith. Fill me with your vibrations so that my faith is strong.”
Step 4: Place the candle down, and place the Clear Quartz crystal in your receiving hand (non-dominant hand) and repeat the following:
“Master healer, heal me from within. Wash away any beliefs that I may hold that may be keeping me from receiving the miracle I need.”
Step 5: The Clear Quartz will then be placed in front of the white herb filled candle.
Step 6: On the piece of paper. write down the miracle you need. Remember to be as detailed as you can possibly be.
Step 7: Light the candle. As the flame builds, read the miracle you desire into the candle as many times as you feel necessary. The smoke from the flame will take in the words you speak and will send it into the universe.
Step 8: Allow the candle to fully burn. Once it is finished burning, give one final thanks to the energies that are at work for you. You can place the paper, clear quartz, or any remnants of the candle into a pouch/bag as you wait for the miracle to come forth.